About Us / Contact
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 7:45 AM - 4:15 PM in A131
Gear Up Staff
Becky Waggoner-Schwartz
Program Specialist
Terri Wallingford
Site Manager
Our Mission
WSU GEAR UP is dedicated to housing career and college readiness resources available to all students with the Walla Walla School District. Our mission is to challenge and support all learners and build a culture of college and career readiness for all students.
Current Grants
Harvest of Hope
Washington State University ‘Harvest of Hope’ GEAR UP grant was awarded by the United States Department of Education. GEAR UP is an acronym for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs with the goal of significantly increasing the number of students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education. Options for postsecondary education are inclusive of two and four year higher education institutions and career preparatory training.
The GEAR UP grant will serve classes of 2026, 2027 students from Walla Walla High School. GEAR UP will provide information regarding financial aid for postsecondary education; encourage student enrollment in rigorous or challenging curricula and coursework, in order to reduce the need for remedial coursework at the postsecondary level; and improve the number of students who obtain a secondary school diploma, complete postsecondary applications, and enroll in a postsecondary educational program.
Contact Us
Phone: 509-526-8622
Email: bschwartz@wwps.org
800 Abbott Rd
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Additional Resources
- Scholarship Search engines:
- Big Future
- Khan Academy
- Financial Aid Calculators
- U.S. Department of Education
- FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid
- WASFA Washington Application for State Financial Aid
- State of Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction