ASB Clubs & Advisors
Interest/Service Clubs
- Art Club/Club de Arte
- Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Alliance./Club de Asiáticos Americanos de las Islas del Pacifico
- Black Student Union
- Blue Devil Northwest
- Boy's Federation/Federación de Muchachos
- ChemClub-inactive
- Chess Club/Club de Ajedrez
- Club 3:16
- eSports
- Ethnic Studies Club
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)/(Futuros líderes empresariales de Estados Unidos)
- FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)/Compañerismo Atletas Cristianos
- FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
- FFA (Future Farmers of America)/(Futuros agricultores de America)
- Film Club
- German Trip Club
- Girls' League/La Liga de Muchachas
- Green Club/Club Verde
- Indoor Soccer Club (ISC)/Club de Fútbol interior
- Key Club
- Knowledge Bowl
- Latino Club/Club Latino
- Library Book Club
- Link Crew
- Magic the Gathering Club
- Mariachi Club
- Ski and Snowboarding Club
- Sources of Strength
- Spain Trip Club
- Speech and Debate Club/Club de Discurso y Debate
- Sports Med Club/Club de Medicina Deportiva
- Unified Blue Devils
Art Club/Club de Arte
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Art Club meets on Tuesdays after school. Students work on their own projects in a safe and inviting environment. Bring your favorite art supplies to use with the basic supplies that are provided. El club de arte se reúne los martes después de la escuela. Los estudiantes trabajan en sus propios proyectos en un ambiente seguro y acogedor. Traiga sus artículos de arte favoritos para usarlos con los suministros básicos que se proporcionan. |
Art Club Advisor Needed |
Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Alliance./Club de Asiáticos Americanos de las Islas del Pacifico
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Our goals are to be a support group and a cultural safe haven for Asian American or Pacific Islander students. We want to promote the introduction and embracing of Asian and Pacific Islander culture among members of our school community. Nuestras metas son ser un grupo de apoyo y un refugio cultural seguro para los estudiantes Asiáticos Americanos o de las Islas del Pacífico. Queremos promover la introducción y la adopción de la cultura Asiática y de las Islas del Pacífico entre los miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar. |
Andrew Gomsrud |
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college-readiness program designed to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in college. The program places special emphasis on growing writing, critical thinking, teamwork, organization and reading skills. AVID, que significa Avance a través de la Determinación Individual, es un programa de preparación para la universidad diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar las habilidades que necesitan para tener éxito en la universidad. El programa pone especial énfasis en el crecimiento de la escritura, el pensamiento crítico, el trabajo en equipo, la organización y las habilidades de lectura. |
Black Student Union
Blue Devil Northwest
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Students, are you interested in joining an exciting broadcast team? Blue Devil Northwest empowers students to learn broadcasting skills from camera, digital graphics, mixing announcing and so much more. We broadcast almost all varsity sporting events and also a number of concerts and special events at Wa-Hi and around the community. Check us out! Estudiantes, ¿están interesados en unirse a un equipo de transmisión emocionante? Blue Devil Northwest capacita a los estudiantes para aprender habilidades de difusión de cámara, gráficos digitales, mezcla de anuncios y mucho más. Transmitimos casi todos los eventos deportivos de Varsity y también una serie de conciertos y eventos especiales en Wa-Hi y alrededor de la comunidad. ¡Vistenzo!
Will Hammond |
Boy's Federation/Federación de Muchachos
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Young men set out to do community service. Past years have included leaf raking, snow shoveling, and have even raised money for a family in need (adopt a family at Christmas). They also sponsor many tournaments for students to get involved with, such as badminton, corn hole, volleyball, Mario Kart, and smash ball. Jóvenes se disponen a hacer servicio comunitario. Los últimos años han incluido rastrillaje de hojas, palear nieve, e incluso han recaudado dinero para una familia necesitada, (adoptar una familia en Navidad). También patrocinan muchos torneos para que los estudiantes se involucren, como bádminton, juego de hoyo de maíz, voleibol, Mario Kart y smash ball. |
Scott Magnaghi |
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
ChemClub is a chemistry club in association with the American Chemical Society. The main goal is to experience chemistry beyond which is taught in the classroom. It is open to any member of Wa-Hi and does not require a prior knowledge of chemistry. The club provides service for the betterment of the community. Club members discover and pursue connections within the larger chemistry community. Club members develop leadership and communication skills and engage in lifelong learning activities. ChemClub es un club de química en asociación con la American Chemical Society. La meta principal es experimentar la química más allá de lo que se enseña en el salón de clases. Está abierto a cualquier miembro de WA-Hi y no requiere un conocimiento previo de la química. El club provee servicio para el mejoramiento de la comunidad. Los miembros del club descubren y persiguen conexiones dentro de la comunidad química más grande. Los miembros del club desarrollan habilidades de liderazgo y comunicación y participan en actividades de aprendizaje permanente. |
Terry Carlsen |
Chess Club/Club de Ajedrez
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Our goal is to play chess at all levels and to teach others how to play chess. We will host and attend chess tournaments. Nuestra meta es jugar al ajedrez en todos los niveles y enseñar a otros a jugar al ajedrez. Organizaremos y asistiremos a torneos de ajedrez. |
Kyle Eggers |
Club 3:16
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Kyle Eggers |
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Our goal is to provide a space for anyone and everyone to have access to a variety of games, whether they just want to have fun and meet new people, or to work towards the goal of competing in tournaments/competitions within the WaHi eSports club, Walla Walla School District, or at state levels and beyond. As the club expands, we would like to present the opportunity for people to put together groups that focus on training/competing in specific games. Activities would include weekly meetings, games on the WII, switch and computers, and any other opportunities presented that people are interested in, as well as other school events. | Grace Fritzke |
Ethnic Studies Club
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Ethnic Studies Club will focus on defining the different forms of racism and examining America's long history of oppression. Members will address racism as a whole, and learn about historically marginalized groups such as Native Americans, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, AAPI, Muslims, the queer community, and women. It will focus on education and addressing discrimination’s basis of ignorance as a way to fight against it. | Peggy Payne |
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)/(Futuros líderes empresariales de Estados Unidos)
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
FBLA is a nationally recognized, business-oriented club focused on developing both career and leadership skills. Members will get opportunities to compete in a variety of business-related events at the state and possibly national level. |
Bernard Ma |
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)/Compañerismo Atletas Cristianos
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
The goal of FCA is to spread the word of god/faith to any and all students in a respectful and educational manner. La meta de la FCA es difundir la palabra de dios/fe a todos y cada uno de los estudiantes de una manera respetuosa y educativa. |
Eric Hisaw |
FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
FCCLA members develop, plan, carry out and evaluate projects to improve the quality of life. Members must be enrolled in a Family and Consumer Science class such as Culinary Arts, Foods and You, Health, Child Development and Careers in Education. Los miembros de FCCLA desarrollan, planifican, llevan a cabo y evalúan proyectos para mejorar la calidad de vida. Los miembros deben estar inscritos en una clase de Ciencias de la Familia y del Consumidor, como Artes Culinarias, Alimentos y Usted, Salud, Desarrollo Infantil y Carreras en Educación. |
FFA (Future Farmers of America)/(Futuros agricultores de America)
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
View flier, here 2023 -2024 FFA Newsletters
Film Club
Brief Description of Club/Club de Cine | Advisor / E-mail |
The goal of this club is to create a safe and fun environment for film-enthusiasts, appreciators, etc. to gather and share a love for movies. El objetivo de este club es crear un ambiente seguro y divertido para los aficionados al cine, apreciadores, etc. para reunir y compartir el amor por las películas. Las actividades para Wahi Film Club incluirán: reunir y proyectar una película votada, reuniones del club, un Wahi Film Club Festival para películas hechas por estudiantes. |
Kyle Eggers |
German Trip Club
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
We host exchange students from Germany in May of even years (2020, 2020 etc.), and we travel to Germany in June of odd years (2019, 2021, etc). We have had this exchange program with our partner school in Reutlingen, Germany, since 2006. You can host a German student, travel to Germany, or both. Being in German class is a prerequisite for those traveling to Germany. The opportunity to host students from Germany is open to all students, although first preference is given to those in German class. | Curtis Schafer |
Girls' League/La Liga de Muchachas
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Girls' League is open to all people, whose mission is to advocate for justice and equality on campus and in the community. |
Jen Mouat |
Green Club/Club Verde
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Green Club is an environmental advocacy group that works to promote sustainability throughout Wa-Hi and the community.
Club Verde es un grupo de defensa del medio ambiente que trabaja para promover la sostenibilidad a través de Wa-Hi y la comunidad.
Clayton Hudiburg |
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Purpose: To provide a safe environment for all people of sexual orientation or gender identity. Our mission is to promote equality through community awareness. Propósito: Proporcionar un ambiente seguro para todas las personas de orientación sexual o identidad de género. Nuestra misión es promover la igualdad a través de la conciencia comunitaria. |
Indoor Soccer Club (ISC)/Club de Fútbol interior
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Wa-Hi students will participate in competitive intermural-style indoor soccer, open gyms, leagues, tournaments, and activities for the purpose of keeping students engaged in positive, healthy, activities and to keep students connected with trusting, caring adult mentors. Los estudiantes de WA-Hi participarán en fútbol de interior competitivo al estilo intramural, gimnasios abiertos, ligas, torneos y actividades con el propósito de mantener a los estudiantes comprometidos en actividades positivas, saludables y para mantener a los estudiantes conectados con mentores adultos confiados y atentos. |
Key Club
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. What makes Key Club so successful is the fact that it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through serving others. Members of the Kiwanis International family, Key Club members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.
The organization offers a wide range of opportunities to its members: * Leadership development Key Club es el programa de servicio más antiguo y más grande para estudiantes de secundaria. Lo que hace que Key Club sea tan exitoso es el hecho de que es una organización dirigida por estudiantes que enseña liderazgo a través del servicio a los demás. Miembros de la familia Kiwanis International, los miembros del Key Club se construyen a sí mismos a medida que construyen sus escuelas y comunidades. |
Kyle Eggers |
Knowledge Bowl
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Knowledge Bowl is an interdisciplinary academic competition club. Meets begin with a written round of 50 multiple-choice questions with a 35-minute time limit. Up to six team members may participate in the written round. This is followed by oral rounds of 50 questions each.
Terry Carlsen |
Latino Club/Club Latino
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
The “Mission” of the Walla Walla High School Latino Club is to:
La “Misión” del club latino de la escuela secundaria Walla Walla es:
Jose Beleche |
Library Book Club
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Library Book Club exists to connect students to the library through monthly book studies. |
Kim Cassetto |
Link Crew
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Link Crew is a high school orientation and transition program that increases freshman success. Members of the junior and senior class are trained to be Link Crew Leaders who act as positive role models, motivators, student mentors and teachers helping guide the freshmen to discover what it takes to be successful during their high school transition. Freshman orientation is run by Link Leaders as well as social and educational events all year long. Link Crew es un programa de orientación y transición de la escuela secundaria que aumenta el éxito de los estudiantes de primer año. Los miembros de la clase juniors y seniors están entrenados para ser líderes de Link Crew que actúan como modelos positivos, motivadores, mentores estudiantiles ayudando a guiar a los estudiantes de primer año a descubrir lo que se necesita para tener éxito durante su transición a la escuela secundaria. La orientación de primer año es dirigida por los líderes de Link, así como actividades sociales y educativas durante todo el año. |
Shayna Hutchens Julie Laufenburg |
Magic the Gathering Club
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Learn to play the card game Magic the Gathering. | Richard Moro |
Mariachi Club
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Learn to play Mariachi and celebrate the Latino culture through music. We’ll play locally, and hope to perform in high school Mariachi festivals around Washington. |
Julia Woods |
Ski and Snowboarding Club
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Ski and Snowboarding Club exists to support Wa-Hi students in their love and exploration of skiing and snowboarding. | Brendan King |
Sources of Strength
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Sources of Strength, a universal suicide prevention program, is designed to build protective influences and reduce the likelihood that vulnerable youth will become suicidal. The program trains students as peer leaders and connects them with adult advisors at school and in the community. Sources of strength, un programa universal de prevención del suicidio, esta diseñado para constuir influencias protectoras y reducir la probabilidad de que los jóvenes vulnerables se convierten en suicidas. El programa capacita a los estudiantes como líderes de pares y los conecta con asesores adultos en la escuela y en la comunidad.
Karen Ruzicka Shayna Hutchens |
Spain Trip Club
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
We have taken students from Walla Walla to the Valencia region of Spain for a 3-½ week immersion experience in the summers of 2011, 2013 and 2015. Or next tentative trip will be the summer of 2019. You will live with a Spanish-speaking host family and experience Spanish culture by visiting the beach, water park, castles, 800-year old churches, palaces, fortresses and other historical sites, in addition to shopping, flamenco dance shows, etc. The trip is open to students who have taken Spanish at Wa-Hi. | Curtis Schafer |
Speech and Debate Club/Club de Discurso y Debate
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Any Wa-Hi student is welcome to join our club. We travel and compete around the region. We do Individual Events and Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Congress and Public Forum. Cualquier estudiante de WA-Hi es bienvenido a unirse a nuestro club. Viajamos y competimos por la región. Hacemos Eventos Individuales y Debate Lincoln-Douglas, Congreso y Foro Público. |
Zoe White |
Sports Med Club/Club de Medicina Deportiva
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
View flier, here The purpose of sports medicine club is to introduce students to a variety of sports medicine topics and professions and to prepare them for success in any associated field. As a chapter of the Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association, students will participate in associate leadership events and competitions. El objetivo del club de medicina deportiva es introducir a los estudiantes a una variedad de temas y profesiones de medicina deportiva y prepararlos para el éxito en cualquier campo asociado. Como un Capítulo de la Carrera de Washington y la asociación de medicina deportiva técnica, los estudiantes participan en eventos de y competencias de liderazgo asociado.
Kelsey Dill |
Unified Blue Devils
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Unified Blue Devils Unified Schools begin with Special Olympics Unified Sports® to build inclusive school communities for young people of all abilities. This programming creates an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued, and included both in school and in their local community.Unified Schools give educators, students, administrators, and coaches the power to create a more inclusive world and help end the stigma around intellectual disabilities. | Libby Thompson |
Honorary Groups
National Honor Society
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail | ||
The purposes of National Honor Society are to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in high school students. NHS is open by invitation to juniors after the first semester of junior year who have a cumulative scholarship average of a 3.50 based on a 4.00 scale in addition to meeting the following criteria:
Final NHS membership decisions will be made by a faculty panel based on students' demonstration of the 4 NHS pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Students with disabilities or foreign exchange students may be eligible for candidate consideration in recognition of achievement and/or outstanding service without meeting the junior-level coursework requirement criterion in Article IV of Section II of Walla Walla High's NHS Bylaws, as long as other criteria is met. Candidates who meet honorary membership criteria must still complete a Candidate Information Form and will be evaluated by the Faculty Council for membership selection. |
Kim Cassetto |
Performing Groups
- Bands
- Cheerleaders
- Drama Club (Encore)/Club de Drama
- JROTC Rifle Team
- JROTC Armed Drill Team
- JROTC Color Guard Teams
- JROTC Individual Exhibition Teams
- JROTC Physical Fitness Team
- JROTC Precision Rifle Team
- JROTC Unarmed Drill Team
- Musical Production/Play
- Orchestra/Advanced Orchestra
- Vocal Groups
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Andrew Ueckert |
Drama Club (Encore)/Club de Drama
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Students in Drama club develop a creative, loving and kind environment. Students produce at least one show a year, and students are needed for all aspects of the production: actors, set design, costumes, make-up, music and special effects. We also play drama games and attend other drama productions. Los estudiantes en el club de Drama desarrollan un ambiente creativo, amoroso y amable. Los estudiantes producen al menos un espectáculo al año, y se necesitan estudiantes para todos los aspectos de la producción: actores, escenografía, vestuario, maquillaje, música y efectos especiales. También jugamos juegos de drama y asistimos a otras producciones de drama.
Kristin Hessler |
JROTC Rifle Team
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SFC Mark Mebes |
JROTC Armed Drill Team
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Anthony Marrero Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Senior Army Instructor |
JROTC Color Guard Teams
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Anthony Marrero Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Senior Army Instructor |
JROTC Individual Exhibition Teams
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Anthony Marrero Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Senior Army Instructor |
JROTC Physical Fitness Team
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Anthony Marrero Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Senior Army Instructor |
JROTC Precision Rifle Team
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
SFC Mark Mebes |
JROTC Unarmed Drill Team
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Anthony Marrero Command Sergeant Major (Ret) Senior Army Instructor |
Musical Production/Play
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
Kristin Hessler |
Orchestra/Advanced Orchestra
Brief Description of Club | Advisor / E-mail |
The Orchestra club is designed for members of the Wa-Hi Orchestra program. It seeks to promote excellence in orchestra music and practice, to increase awareness of the orchestra program, and to familiarize students with the wide ‘musical world’. | Julia Woods |
Vocal Groups
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Choir, Chamber Singers, Treble Ensemble: We sing at many concerts and community events throughout the year. We also participate in several events of a competitive nature. | Sarah Thomson |
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Members of the school newspaper staff produce The Wa-Hi Journal online newspaper, at | Lori Finn |
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The Yearbook staff is responsible for creating, publishing, and distributing Wa-Hi’s yearly edition of the Royal Blue. | Lori Finn |
Student Government
Executive Council
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Decision-making body made up of elected student body officers, class officers, and applicants to the ASB Leadership Class. | Shayna Hutchens |